LAST UPDATED: February 27, 2024
Identify application fraud and protect genuine user information from being exploited.
Identify money laundering activity and proactively detect the mule accounts before funds are moved.
Monitor web and mobile banking sessions to expose risky actions indicative of fraud.
Detect and stop authorized payment fraud before funds leave the customer’s account.
Enhance your existing compliant solution by adding security without unnecessary friction.
The world’s first inter-bank, behavior-based, financial crime intelligence-sharing network.
LAST UPDATED: February 27, 2024
In accordance with section 54(1) of the Modern Slavery Act 2015, this is the UK Modern
Slavery Act Statement in respect of BioCatch for the financial year ended December 31, 2023.
It sets out the steps that are being taken to identify and minimise all forms of slavery and human
trafficking within our organisation and our supply chains.
Founded in 2011, BioCatch is a leading behavioural biometrics company that leverages
machine learning to analyse an online user’s physical and cognitive digital behaviour to protect
individuals online. Guided by data science and our own patented technology, BioCatch
provides a platform to our customers, including global banks and financial institutions, to help
them fight fraud, drive digital transformation and provide a better experience for their
Headquartered in Israel with offices in several other countries, BioCatch as of
December 31, 2023 had 296 personnel worldwide. Our board of directors and executive
management are responsible for corporate responsibility.
Respect for human rights is deeply ingrained in BioCatch values, in how we run our business,
interact with stakeholders and engage with our communities around the world. We require our
employees to conduct themselves in accordance with our code of conduct.
BioCatch is committed to working to the highest ethical standards. Having evaluated the nature
and extent of our exposure to the risk of slavery and human trafficking we consider that
BioCatch operates in a low-risk environment given the nature of the locations and the industries
in which we operate.
At BioCatch, we are also committed to engaging with suppliers who share our values and who
are dedicated to upholding responsible workplace practices. We expect that our suppliers will
hold their own suppliers to similarly high standards. BioCatch considers our suppliers to be
relatively low risk in terms of sector and geographical location of their operations.
We shall continually review the effectiveness of the steps we have taken over the past year to ascertain
whether and how to improve and develop our practices in the future.
This Modern Slavery Act Statement made pursuant to section 54(1) of the Modern Slavery Act 2015 is
approved by the board of BioCatch Ltd.
Gadi Mazor
CEO and board member
February 27, 2024
BioCatch – UK Modern Slavery Statement (2024)