State of Scams in Denmark 2024
BioCatch partnered with The Global Anti-Scam Alliance (GASA) on its 2024 State of Scams in Denmark report, which shows Danes lost a staggering $2.82 billion to scams in 2023, marking a 62% increase from the year before.
The survey also finds:
• Online Scams Rampant: One in five Danes say they’ve fallen victim to online scams. Nearly two-thirds of respondents said they encountered fraudulent communication at least once per month.
• AI-Enabled Crime on the Rise: Nearly half of Danes surveyed say they’d received AI-generated scam videos.
• Disappointing Returns: While only 10% of Danish scam victims receive reimbursement for their losses, 85% of survey respondents expect their financial institution to refund them if they fell victim to a scam.
The survey also delves into how Danish consumers feel about this uptick in digital criminal activity, emphasizing key areas where collective efforts – between regulators, law enforcement, financial institutions, and private vender – are needed to effect meaningful change. Download now to learn more about the state of scams in Denmark.