Stop Muling Around: Best Practices for Mule Account Detection
Date: December 1st, 2021 | 11AM ET
While money mules have been at the heart of cybercrime for years, the sheer volume of mule activity was unprecedented over the last year. Enticed by billions being pumped into unemployment, small business loans and other economic relief programs, fraudsters quickly responded. With robust networks of mule accounts created to move money from systems around the world, an old problem suddenly gained new scrutiny.
Join BioCatch and Trace Fooshee, Strategic Advisor in Aite-Novarica’s Fraud & AML practice, on December 1 for a discussion on the scale and evolution of mule activity and what financial institutions are doing about it.
Trace Fooshee, Strategic Advisor, Fraud & AML,
John Paul Blaho, Senior Director, Product Marketing, BioCatch