Identify application fraud and protect genuine user information from being exploited.
New Account Fraud
Bot Detection
Identify money laundering activity and proactively detect the mule accounts before funds are moved.
Sold Accounts
Voluntary Mule
Good Faith Fraud
Money Laundering Networks
Monitor web and mobile banking sessions to expose risky actions indicative of fraud.
Remote Access Attacks
Credential Stuffing
Phishing Site Detection
SIM Swapping and Stolen Devices
Mobile Malware
Detect and stop authorized payment fraud before funds leave the customer’s account.
Impersonation Scams
Peer to Peer Fraud
Romance Scams
Investment Scams
CEO Scams
Purchase Scams
Enhance your existing compliant solution by adding security without unnecessary friction.
Card Not Present Fraud
The world’s first inter-bank, behavior-based, financial crime intelligence-sharing network.
Fraud Strategy
Fraud Analyst
Digital Channels
Fraud Fusion
Account Opening Protection
Account Takeover Protection
Social Engineering Scams Detection
Mules Account Detection
Strong Customer Authentication