I began my career as a technical writer— the old-school kind who wrote hard-copy user guides and built online help systems embedded in desktop software.

If you’ve never written instructions for a tech product, there’s a basic process:

1.    Find the experts.
2.    Listen to the experts.
3.    Communicate their ideas--as simply and clearly as possible using the style and medium that work best for the intended audience.

In today’s instantaneous digital world, it can be hard to remember when every piece of software came with a user guide. Now if we need help, we pop over to YouTube to watch videos from experts, crowd-source a solution with a quick Google search, and/or post a question to a forum.

As someone who’s spent a career writing and editing, we are in a Golden Age of Communication. It’s driven by social media communities, forums, and other online gathering places where people seek and receive answers; and thought leaders lead the charge.

Tech, crime, and communication go digital and global

Over the past several years, I’ve worked as a communicator and marketer for security, fraud prevention, and fintech companies that primarily serve financial institutions.

What I’ve realized is that cybercrime is nothing like the original technology and concepts I wrote about in the past. It’s an unrelenting, ever-evolving force.

But fraud can be defeated. Knowledge is fraud’s enemy, and BioCatch is made up of some of the brightest minds in the industry with a common goal: Share knowledge and connect with others to combat our common foe with maximum data and an unstoppable coalition of experts.

That’s an exciting prospect and it motivates me to amplify the stories of our experts. Our thought leaders are warriors battling fraud. That’s why I chose BioCatch: to give these experts a platform and a megaphone.

All Ships Rise

Today I add a fourth step to the communication process:
Connect experts to build rich, dynamic, continuous thought leadership conversations among industries.
The one tech expert/one communicator model has been replaced by community forums, and that’s powerful stuff. Everyone benefits from shared knowledge in our joint fight against fraud.
As we at BioCatch help our customers stop new account fraud, money laundering, payment scams, and other financial crime, both old and new, simple and sophisticated, we are part of the larger community making the digital transactions that power our economy and our daily lives safer than ever before.
Now, if you’ll excuse me, I have some learning to do about behavioral biometrics and how to enable digital trust. And I am meeting some brilliant people here at BioCatch who can teach me. I can’t wait to help share their voices with you.
Stay tuned. Much more to come!

About Jay Jones:

Jay Jones is the Senior Director of Thought Leadership at BioCatch. Jay has developed and executed strategies that built thought leadership within organizations throughout his career, including leadership positions in corporate, technical, and marketing communications with Deloitte Consulting, Equifax, and Fiserv. Most recently, Jay served as Director of Content Strategy for Telesign, where he developed the voice and messaging for the company’s rebranding effort and oversaw the company’s content marketing and annual editorial calendar. Connect with him on LinkedIn


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